Cal­lum Morton

8th October – 4th December 2005
Australian Centre for Contemporary Art

Baby­lo­nia is a scale mod­el of Lis­ca Bian­ca in Italy, the island fea­tured in Michelan­ge­lo Antonioni’s sem­i­nal 1960 film L’ Avven­tu­ra. The inte­ri­or of the rock reveals an infi­nite­ly mir­rored hotel cor­ri­dor copied from Stan­ley Kubrick’s The Shin­ing. The instal­la­tion has a range of sound effects cours­ing through it, includ­ing the sound of a roller coast­er that spills out to the gallery prop­er, the sound of a beam crack­ing that aural­ly com­press­es the cor­ri­dor space above the audience’s head while inside, some muzak, and a vari­ety of sounds behind every door.

Cal­lum Mor­ton’s Bably­lo­nia was the first Helen Macpher­son Smith Commission

Com­mis­sion­ing Cura­tor: Juliana Engberg

Project Man­ag­er: Char­lotte Day


Cal­lum Morton

Baby­lo­nia, 2005
wood, poly­styrene, epoxy resin, acrylic paint, light, car­pet, mir­ror, sound
3201300750 cm
instal­la­tion view, Aus­tralian Cen­tre for Con­tem­po­rary Art (ACCA)

Cal­lum Morton

Baby­lo­nia, 2005
wood, poly­styrene, epoxy resin, acrylic paint, light, car­pet, mir­ror, sound
3201300750 cm

Cal­lum Morton

Baby­lo­nia, 2005
wood, poly­styrene, epoxy resin, acrylic paint, light, car­pet, mir­ror, sound
3201300750 cm

Cal­lum Morton

Baby­lo­nia, 2005
wood, poly­styrene, epoxy resin, acrylic paint, light, car­pet, mir­ror, sound
3201300750 cm
instal­la­tion view, Aus­tralian Cen­tre for Con­tem­po­rary Art (ACCA)