Mike Parr
The Tilt­ed Stage

21st November 2008 – 1st March 2009
Detached Cultural Organisation

This exhi­bi­tion extend­ed across two venues – all four floors of the 1824 built Bond Store, at the Tas­man­ian Muse­um and Art Gallery (TMAG), and Detached, 7 Camp­bell St, Hobart.

On the top floor of the Bond Store Parr began a for as long as pos­si­ble’ per­for­mance of Carte­sian Corpse.

The per­for­mance used a tilt­ed stage to present the audi­ence with a feel­ing of a dis­em­bod­ied head.

Antho­ny Bond OAM, curat­ed the exhi­bi­tion and he and Parr have bought togeth­er all the ele­ments of the artist’s work.

We have includ­ed all major forms Parr has exper­i­ment­ed with; per­for­mance is at the core, but sculp­ture, draw­ing, print mak­ing, film, pho­tog­ra­phy and text all grow out of per­for­mance or feed back onto it,’ Mr Bond OAM said.

TMAG and Detached Art Space remained open 24 hours for the dura­tion of the performance.

Curat­ed by Antho­ny Bond OAM


Mike Parr

Carte­sian Corpse, 2008
Per­for­mance for as long as possible
21 – 22 Novem­ber 2008
Bond Store, Tasmania
Detached & Tas­man­ian Muse­um and Art Gallery

Mike Parr

Carte­sian Corpse, 2009
34 hours