Mike Parr
The Tilted Stage
21st November 2008 – 1st March 2009
Detached Cultural Organisation
This exhibition extended across two venues – all four floors of the 1824 built Bond Store, at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG), and Detached, 7 Campbell St, Hobart.
On the top floor of the Bond Store Parr began a ‘for as long as possible’ performance of Cartesian Corpse.
The performance used a tilted stage to present the audience with a feeling of a disembodied head.
Anthony Bond OAM, curated the exhibition and he and Parr have bought together all the elements of the artist’s work.
‘We have included all major forms Parr has experimented with; performance is at the core, but sculpture, drawing, print making, film, photography and text all grow out of performance or feed back onto it,’ Mr Bond OAM said.
TMAG and Detached Art Space remained open 24 hours for the duration of the performance.
Curated by Anthony Bond OAM

Mike Parr
Cartesian Corpse, 2008
Performance for as long as possible
21 – 22 November 2008
Bond Store, Tasmania
Detached & Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery

Mike Parr
Cartesian Corpse, 2009
34 hours