Mar­co Fusinato

17th March – 17th May 2009
Australian Centre for Contemporary Art

ACCA’s annu­al com­mis­sions exhi­bi­tion — this year curat­ed by Char­lotte Day with new works from eight con­tem­po­rary Aus­tralian artists includ­ing Jus­tine Khama­ra, Brodie Ellis,
Mar­co Fusina­to, Simon Yates, Matthew Grif­fin, Ben­jamin Arm­strong
and Pat Fos­ter and Jen Bere­an.

NEW09 offers select­ed artists the means and sup­port to cre­ate a new work and have it shown in ACCA’s exhi­bi­tion hall.


Mar­co Fusinato

Aether­ic Plexus, 2009
13200 watts white light, 105db white noise. Alloy tub­ing, Par can 56 lights, dou­ble cou­plers, Lan­box LCM, DMX con­troller, dim­mer rack, DMX mp3 play­er, pow­ered speak­er, sen­sor, exten­sion leads, shot bags
880410230 cm