Angel­i­ca Mesiti
NEW: 12

17th March – 20th May 2012
Australian Centre for Contemporary Art

NEW is the Aus­tralian Cen­tre for Con­tem­po­rary Art’s pres­ti­gious annu­al com­mis­sions exhi­bi­tion. Every year 6 – 10 ris­ing Aus­tralian con­tem­po­rary artists are offered the rare oppor­tu­ni­ty to make a bold, brave new work and have it shown in one of the country’s finest exhi­bi­tion spaces.

2012 marks the tenth year of the NEW exhi­bi­tion series, which is known for hav­ing a can­ny knack for find­ing the art stars of tomor­row. Daniel von Sturmer, David Roset­zky, Anas­ta­sia Klose, Emi­ly Floyd, Dar­ren Sylvester, Lare­sa Kosloff, Stu­art Ring­holt and Agatha Gothe-Snape are all pre­vi­ous NEW artists.

Once again gen­er­ous­ly sup­port­ed and pre­sent­ed by the Bal­naves Foun­da­tion, the 2012 install­ment has been select­ed by guest cura­tor Jeff Khan, co-Direc­tor of Sydney’s Per­for­mance Space.

It will fea­ture major new works from his choice of Australia’s most inter­est­ing ris­ing artists — Angel­i­ca Mesi­ti (NSW), Ross Man­ning (QLD), Katie Lee (VIC), Ben­nett Miller (WA), Kate Mitchell (NSW) and Char­lie Sofo (VIC), and if past years are an indi­ca­tion, rep­re­sent the next crop of sought-after Aus­tralian artists.

Expect great things – a haunt­ing­ly qui­et repli­ca of the Berlin Zoo (Ben­nett Miller), a new video work that cap­tures and decodes a con­ver­sa­tion between occu­pants behind office win­dows (Kate Mitchell), and pro­jec­tions around the ACCA gallery that will mess, just a lit­tle, with our minds (Katie Lee).


Angel­i­ca Mesiti

Cit­i­zens Band, 2012
(still) four-chan­nel HD video instal­la­tion, 16:9, colour, sound
21 min­utes 25 seconds
Com­mis­sioned for NEW12; Aus­tralian Cen­tre for Con­tem­po­rary Art, Melbourne