Stieg Pers­son

1st – 5th August 2012
Melbourne Art Fair

In its cur­rent usage the word enthu­si­asm” sim­ply means a live­ly inter­est. It has how­ev­er a lost ancient and archa­ic mean­ing, that of inspi­ra­tion by a divine mad­ness. When dis­cussing the artis­tic imag­i­na­tion and the ori­gins of the art­work, Eigh­teenth cen­tu­ry ratio­nal­ism removed the divine and sub­sti­tut­ed the mind, but a mind sus­pend­ed of its usu­al oper­a­tions, enflamed and under the spell of three fun­da­men­tal aspects of enthu­si­asm: obses­sion, excite­ment and trans­port. It is in that spir­it that these paint­ings have been made.

A range of meth­ods and styles coex­ist in this instal­la­tion. There are libid­i­nal abstrac­tions, forms swelling and pro­trud­ing, images in the act of becom­ing. Some fuse abstrac­tion with a col­lec­tion of small real­ist ele­ments, shapes evolve and radi­ate from a still life of a pearl, flow­ers sprout from street tag­gings. Our under­stand­ing of the tra­di­tion­al is dis­solved, Cul­ture is nat­u­ralised, nature is cultured.

Stieg Pers­son


Stieg Pers­son

After the Sug­ar Rush, 2012
Oil and metal­lic paint on linen
5146 cm

Stieg Pers­son

Banksy, 2012
Oil on linen
5146 cm

Stieg Pers­son

Brink, 2012
oil and metal­lic paint on linen
5146 cm

Stieg Pers­son

Broughton Hall, 2012
Oil on linen
5146 cm

Stieg Pers­son

La Dame aux Camélias, 2012
Oil on linen
5146 cm

Stieg Pers­son

Las­civ­i­ous, 2012
oil and metal­lic paint on linen
5146 cm

Stieg Pers­son

Love­able, 2012
oil on linen
5146 cm

Stieg Pers­son

Lubri­cious, 2012
Oil and metal­lic paint on linen
5146 cm

Stieg Pers­son

More Joy­ous, 2012
oil and metal­lic paint on linen
5146 cm

Stieg Pers­son

Orbis, 2012
Oil on linen
5146 cm

Stieg Pers­son

Prince­ton View, 2012
Oil on linen
5146 cm

Stieg Pers­son

Seed, 2012
Oil on linen
5146 cm

Stieg Pers­son

Sphera, 2012
Oil on linen
5146 cm

Stieg Pers­son

Thomas Hirschhorn, 2012
Oil on linen
5146 cm

Stieg Pers­son

Verge, 2012
oil and metal­lic paint on linen
5146 cm

Stieg Pers­son

Yale, 2012
oil on linen
5146 cm

Stieg Pers­son

Licen­tious, 2012
oil and metal­lic paint on linen
5146 cm

Stieg Pers­son

Sun­ny­hurst Gardens, 2012
Oil on linen
5146 cm

Stieg Pers­son

Thresh­old, 2012
oil and metal­lic paint on linen
5146 cm

Stieg Pers­son

St. Eti­enne, 2010
oil on linen
5146 cm