Mar­co Fusinato
South South Veza

23rd February – 7th March 2021

SOUTH SOUTH’s inau­gur­al event is SOUTH SOUTH VEZA, tak­ing place from 23 Feb­ru­ary – 7 March 2021. VEZA is a hybrid of a live sell­ing event pow­ered by auc­tion tech­nol­o­gy, and a peer-led online view­ing room. The first edi­tion of VEZA fea­tures 50+ gal­leries from more than 40 cities spread across 30 coun­tries and 5 con­ti­nents, com­ing togeth­er in their ded­i­ca­tion to art of the Glob­al South.

For the first edi­tion of VEZA, Anna Schwartz Gallery has curat­ed a solo pre­sen­ta­tion of works by Mar­co Fusina­to. Fusina­to is an artist and musi­cian whose work has tak­en the form of instal­la­tion, pho­to­graph­ic repro­duc­tion, per­for­mance and record­ing. His over­all aes­thet­ic project com­bines alle­gor­i­cal appro­pri­a­tion with an inter­est in the inten­si­ty of a ges­ture or event.

Live sell­ing event: view lots

Cat­a­logue avail­able here


Mar­co Fusinato

The Infini­tive 6, 2019
white UV halftone ink on black aluminium
250500 cm

Mar­co Fusinato

Mass Black Implo­sion (Feb­ru­ary Pieces, Cor­nelius Cardew), 2012
ink on archival fac­sim­i­le of score
two pan­els: 6858.5 cm (each, framed)