John Nixon
John Nixon in the Lyon Collection

23rd June – 19th December 2021
Lyon Housemuseum

John Nixon in the Lyon Col­lec­tion cel­e­brates John Nixon’s 50 year enquir­ing into form, colour and mate­ri­als and his explo­rations into the nature of paint­ing. Drawn from the Lyon Col­lec­tion these works rep­re­sent key aspects of the artist’s oeu­vre and are tes­ta­ment to Nixon’s life­long com­mit­ment to his prac­tice and his art.


John Nixon

John Nixon in the Lyon Collection, instal­la­tion view, Lyon Housemuseum
Pho­to: Chris­to Crock­er and Aaron Rees

John Nixon

John Nixon in the Lyon Collection, instal­la­tion view, Lyon Housemuseum
Pho­to: Chris­to Crock­er and Aaron Rees

John Nixon

John Nixon in the Lyon Collection, instal­la­tion view, Lyon Housemuseum
Pho­to: Chris­to Crock­er and Aaron Rees

John Nixon

John Nixon in the Lyon Collection, instal­la­tion view, Lyon Housemuseum
Pho­to: Chris­to Crock­er and Aaron Rees