In the Telling

24th July 2012 – 20th January 2013
Australian Centre for the Moving Image

A curi­ous and play­ful exhi­bi­tion that uses sculp­ture and live video to inter­ro­gate the screen image, its con­struc­tion, and its rep­re­sen­ta­tion of truth. Burns empha­sis­es the pres­ence of tech­nol­o­gy in the work by plac­ing it on dis­play along­side the pro­ject­ed image.

The view­er sees the image on screen and then can exam­ine the work and dis­cov­er how the scene was con­trived. Burns incor­po­rates new media in to his work as if it were paint or clay, using the tech­nol­o­gy unex­pect­ed­ly, in ways that chal­lenge and high­light the pos­si­bil­i­ties and lim­i­ta­tions of the tech­nol­o­gy itself.


Move­ment Image, 2012
Wood, lights, mag­ni­fy­ing glass­es, tim­ing system
Sculp­ture: 170125110 cm, Pro­jec­tion dis­tance variable

any­where and here, 2012
Mixed media kinet­ic sulpture
Dimen­sions variable

Quest, 2012
Trans­paren­cy prints, pic­ture frames, lights, table, mag­ni­fy­ing glass­es, tim­ing system
1157860 cm

strange cloud above, 2012
Found object (wheel­bar­row, tree stump, wood, motor, lights, plate, bowl, tv, cam­era) sculp­ture gen­er­at­ing live video and audio
1679475 cm