Mar­co Fusinato
From the Horde to the Bee

9th May – 22nd November 2015
56th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia

A print­ed doc­u­ment is pro­duced as a means to redis­trib­ute funds from the 56th Venice Bien­nale of Art to an archive of mil­i­tant and crit­i­cal pub­lish­ing housed in an anar­chist squat in Milan. The print­ed doc­u­ment fea­tures a selec­tion of mate­r­i­al from the archive (Pri­mo Moroni Archive, c/​Cox 18, Via Conchet­ta 18, Milan).

A4 in size and con­sist­ing of 496 black & white pages – the con­tent of anar­chist, auton­o­mist and marx­ist mate­r­i­al ranges from the 1960s up until the present. All the images are repro­duced at 1:1 scale exact­ly as they were posi­tioned on the A4 scan­ner. The edi­tion of the print­ed doc­u­ment sits on a large pur­pose built table. In exchange for a copy the audi­ence leaves 10€ on the table sur­face. The cash remains in the cen­tre of the table for the dura­tion of the exhibition.

Part Robin Hood-ism, part mon­ey laun­der­ing, the edi­tion of 10,000 means a poten­tial of 100,000€ on the table. There are no guards or secu­ri­ty. At the end of the exhi­bi­tion all the cash on the table goes to the archive/​squat for its con­tin­ued struggle. 

Pre­sent­ed as part of All the World’s Futures 56th Inter­na­tion­al Art Exhi­bi­tion, la Bien­nale di Venezia Curat­ed by Okwui Enwezor

For fur­ther images of this project: https://​www​.face​book​.com/​F​r​o​m​-​t​h​e​-​H​o​r​d​e​-​t​o​-​t​h​e​-​B​e​e​-​916233085089248/


Mar­co Fusinato

From the Horde to the Bee, 2015
496 page book in an edi­tion of 10,000, table, cash
50050075 cm

Mar­co Fusinato

From the Horde to the Bee, 2015
496 page book in an edi­tion of 10,000, table, cash
50050075 cm

Mar­co Fusinato

From the Horde to the Bee, 2015
496 page book in an edi­tion of 10,000, table, cash
50050075 cm

Mar­co Fusinato

From the Horde to the Bee, 2015
496 page book in an edi­tion of 10,000, table, cash
50050075 cm

Mar­co Fusinato

From the Horde to the Bee, 2015
496 page book in an edi­tion of 10,000, table, cash
50050075 cm