Mike Parr
For­eign Looking

12th August – 6th November 2016
National Gallery of Australia

Accu­mu­lat­ing under the ban­ner of the Self Por­trait Project, Par­r’s vast body of work uses art and lan­guage to crack sur­faces and explode char­ac­ter. Delv­ing into mem­o­ry and the uncon­scious, his art plays out in a rich­ly asso­cia­tive field in which mate­r­i­al ges­tures are psy­cho­log­i­cal­ly charged. Resist­ing a con­ven­tion­al chronol­o­gy, Mike Parr: For­eign Look­ing reveals the dense and del­i­cate con­nec­tions evi­dent in Par­r’s con­tin­u­al­ly exper­i­men­tal practice.

This is the first exhi­bi­tion to bring togeth­er Par­r’s work in all media from 1970 to the present. A series of pro­jec­tion rooms and the­atrette focus on Par­r’s per­for­mance artist and film­mak­ing prac­tice, while a ded­i­cat­ed read­ing room and per­for­mance space hosts talks, work­shops and new per­for­mance com­mis­sions until 6 Novem­ber, 2016.


Mike Parr

Exhi­bi­tion view, For­eign Look­ing”, Nation­al Gallery of Australia, 2016
Pho­to: Zan Wimberley

Mike Parr

Exhi­bi­tion view, For­eign Look­ing”, Nation­al Gallery of Australia, 2016
Pho­to: Zan Wimberley

Mike Parr

Exhi­bi­tion view, For­eign Look­ing”, Nation­al Gallery of Australia, 2016
Pho­to: Zan Wimberley

Mike Parr

Exhi­bi­tion view, For­eign Look­ing”, Nation­al Gallery of Australia, 2016
Pho­to: Zan Wimberley

Mike Parr

Exhi­bi­tion view, For­eign Look­ing”, Nation­al Gallery of Australia, 2016
Pho­to: Zan Wimberley