Mar­co Fusinato

15th August – 29th September 2015
Institute of Contemporary Art Singapore

A 40-metre wall with a 1.5‑metre gap at each end is built to bisect the gallery. Hid­den inside the wall are a series of micro­phones con­nect­ed to a PA sys­tem. The entrance side of the gallery is emp­ty. On the oth­er side of the gallery, com­ing out from the bisect­ing wall a base­ball bat is attached to a steel chain. The audi­ence is invit­ed to strike the wall. Their action is ampli­fied at 120db.


Mar­co Fusinato

Con­stel­la­tions, 2015
base­ball bat, chain, pur­pose-built wall with inter­nal PA at 120 dB
3004000150 cm
Instal­la­tion view, Insti­tute of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Singapore