Daniel Crooks

9th June – 31st July 2022
Sydney Living Museums

Bound­ary Con­di­tions is an ambi­tious video work that seam­less­ly weaves togeth­er an alter­nate world of dis­parate spaces and non-lin­ear time. 

Tak­ing the his­toric sites of Syd­ney Liv­ing Muse­ums as its depar­ture point, the video uses pre­ci­sion robot­ic motion con­trol and sophis­ti­cat­ed post-pro­duc­tion tech­niques to cre­ate a scrolling tapes­try of time and space. 

Jux­ta­pos­ing the past and the present, the vir­tu­al and the real, the video also acknowl­edges the pre­car­i­ous lim­i­nal­i­ty of the present moment. 

Pre­sent­ed on a mono­lith­ic screen hov­er­ing in the fore­court of Hyde Park Bar­racks, 9th June — 31st July.


Daniel Crooks

Bound­ary Conditions, 2022
Dig­i­tal video, 4K, 16:9, colour, stereo sound
19 min­utes 23 seconds