Mar­co Fusinato
Low­er Power

10th February – 14th April 2019
Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts

Low­er Pow­er, pre­sent­ed in asso­ci­a­tion with Perth Fes­ti­val and curat­ed by PICA Senior Cura­tor Euge­nio Vio­la, fea­tures new works from Mel­bourne based Mar­co Fusinato’s Infini­tives series. These are a selec­tion of images sourced from the inter­na­tion­al mass media over the last ten years in which a pro­tag­o­nist is bran­dish­ing a rock in the deci­sive moment of a riot.

Each of the sourced images is enlarged to his­to­ry-paint­ing scale using the lat­est com­mer­cial print tech­nolo­gies. Fusina­to is a post-con­cep­tu­al artist and an exper­i­men­tal musi­cian, who employs a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary approach in his prac­tice, cross­ing through a vari­ety of medi­ums and genres.


Mar­co Fusinato

Low­er Power, 2019
Instal­la­tion view, Perth Insti­tute of Con­tem­po­rary Art

Mar­co Fusinato

The Infini­tive 6, 2019
white UV halftone ink on black aluminium
250500 cm

Mar­co Fusinato

The Infini­tive 7, 2019
White UV halftone ink on black aluminium
250750 cm